The research results within the project are now beginning to be disseminated, nationally and internationally. Simon Öberg, who is a doctoral student at Chalmers University of Technology, has now been researching the role of hydrogen in the European energy system for more than 2.5 years and will present his licentiate thesis, Hydrogen in the European energy system – The cost dynamics and the value of time-shifting electricity generation, in June. In connection with this, he also presents on the following events and meetings:
Wednesday 18/5: presentation at “Gasdagarna” 2022 in Båstad which is arranged by Energy gas Sweden ( Headline for the presentation: Electrification via hydrogen – what parameters affect the cost of hydrogen.
Tuesday 7/6: presentation of licentiate thesis entitled: Hydrogen in the European energy system – Cost dynamics and the value of time-shifting electricity production. The presentation is live at Chalmers but can be followed at (Password: H2GT).
Monday / Tuesday 20-21 / 6: presentation at Macro-Energy System Workshop at Stanford University in California.
Find Simons publications here: